Hi my dear friends! We sometimes get a Eureka moment (inspiration for a post in my case) and mine was when I swallowed some fish poo a few moments ago doing a water change in my fish tank. I would like to add this wasn't done on purpose and is neither a part of my new diet! So, some common but less taught language for looking after your pets!
💥 Bonus vocab: Commands we give dogs in English 🐕
👉🏻 The dog needs TO STRETCH ITS LEGS. Take it our for a few minutes, would you? (= take it for a walk)
👉🏻 I think it's animal abuse to keep a dog COOPED UP in a small room all day. Let it play outside. (= keeping an animal/person locked in a small space for ages)
👉🏻 Darling, the dog needs to be HOUSE-TRAINED. He's done hus business in my slippers again! (= teach it to go to the toilet outside)
👉🏻 Our Labrador has again impregnated the neighbour's Chihuahua. We need to take him to the vet for THE SNIP (= castration (snip is the sound scissors make).... not sure this is looking after...)
👉🏻 Please, stop feeding THE SCRAPS to the dog. It plays merry-hell with his sensitive stomach! (= left over food from our plates)
👉🏻 Blin! The cat's got fleas! Pop down the pet shop and get a FLEA COLLAR, would you? (= I think it's obvious 😁)
👉🏻 It's that time of year again! The cat needs to BE WORMED and have its JABS.
(= take medicine against worms / jabs = injections)
👉🏻 My love, I can't clean out the LITTER TRAY because we've run out of KITTY LITTER! (= those small stones cats do their business in... in a tray)
👉🏻 Of course the cat isn't eating! Have you tried this KiteKat? It's foul! Why not give it some TREATS now 'n again? (= little chews, cat chocolate etc, nicer things basically)
👉🏻 Stop TEASING the cat, kids! She'll CLAW you in a minute! (we know the word 'tease' and we use this when annoying cats, too! 'Claw' is a bit more brutal than scratch!)
👉🏻 Look, our rabbit is getting way too big for its HUTCH. Maybe we can build some kind of ENCLOSURE on the lawn? (= wooded cage / = a larger enclosed space for an animal where it can run around more. Most safari parks have enclosures)
👉🏻 The guinea pigs need some FRESH BEDDING. Be an angel and do that for me because the dog has done its business in my slippers again and I need to sort that out. (= like when you put hay in the hutch/cage for the animal to sleep on)
👉🏻 Oh, it's that time again when we have to TRIM ITS CLAWS. Be careful!!!! (= to cut its claws, obviously 😁)
👉🏻 My pet rat was GNAWING AT the bars in its cage all night long. Didn't sleep a wink. Maybe an aquarium might be better? (= nibbling persistently at smth. Gnaw + through smth = to chew its way through smth completely)
👉🏻 You have to look after your hamster, my love! There are HAMSTER DROPPINGS all over its cage! You have to clean it out more often! (= small poos)
👉🏻 Sweetheart, don't OVERFEED the fish otherwise they'll eat themselves to death! Just a pinch of flakes, no more. (= it's obvious😁)
👉🏻 I did a WATER CHECK yesterday and the Ph levels are way off! I'll get some water softener. (= again, obvious 😁)
👉🏻 When you do a water change, make sure to SIPHON OUT no more than 15% of the water. (= where you suck on a tube to displace the water... how I swallowed fish poo today)
👉🏻 You need to RINSE OUT THE FILTER once a month otherwise there might be a spike in the ammonia levels. (= clean the filter)
👉🏻 To prevent the BUILD-UP OF ALGAE, keep your tank out of direct sunlight and make sure your tank has a good filter system. (= that annoying green stuff that grows in the tank)
👉🏻 SIT
👉🏻 STAY (or WAIT)
👉🏻 HEEL = you want the dog to walk along side you
👉🏻 GO ON THEN = when you allow your dog to do something. Maybe it's waiting while you put food in its bowl and then say "go on then!" and it starts scoffing down its dinner.
😎 Simple, but native English my friends! 😎